Tuesday, October 23, 2012

15,000 Facebook Fan Giveaway!!

Wrap With Jolene  is so excited to be having a 15,000 fan giveaway!!  Without all of my wonderful fans I wouldnt be able to do the fun things I want to do in life and to Thank all of you I am going to be giving away some wonderful products!!

There are very few things that you have to do to be entered so lets get busy winning you some products.

Wrap with Jolene

Check out my website and be sure to let me know if you have any questions at all.  You can always message me at my facebook business page or email me at babyh1999@hotmail.com!!

Join my team and get money for Christmas!  This is what I just bought my husband after we have been with It Works for one year!

This is what I am going for next!

Do you want your SEXY back?  Try one of our ULtimate Body Wraps and get results in as little as 45 minutes!! These are my actual results!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. great service... and seeing great deals would help me become a loyal customer.

  2. Sorry but I have one more month with someone else. I have to be done with them first.

  3. probably trying the product...it sounds fabulous!!

  4. If I could try it and see any result, I would be hooked! I have gained and lost over 100lbs in the last few years, including 2 pregnancies (+95lbs & +80lbs). I have more sag than I know what to do with. If a product like yours could take care of it without surgery, I would absolutely become a VERY loyal customer. But I would need to see it work, not just pics that may or may not show the "whole" story.

  5. O boy do I need this! I have went from 209 lbs when I had my twins to 111 lbs and I have alot of skin/stretch marks and want to find something that works!

  6. A really great deal that would give me a chance to try it.

  7. Having a bigger fixed income than I have and the ability to use your product. Which won't happen til I have back surgery and I'm not sure when that is going to be.

  8. I would need more money in my pocket to become a loyal customer. I am on a tight budget right now.

  9. I would have to try the products and see results to become a loyal customer

  10. Trying it. I've heard great things about these wraps, but.. I've got a Twin Tummy (a set of twins, plus 2 larger than average singletons. And 2 average singletons).

  11. Seeing the product work and great deals!

  12. I would love to be a loyal member but I am needing a better economy! This year has been tough. Hoping next year is better!

  13. A really good deal would make me a loyal customer.
